Team Tokyo Metis

About Team Metis

Year 2

Group foto

More info comming soon

Year 1

Group foto

We are from the high school Metis Montessori Lyceum in Amsterdam. We are Noah (upper left), Sasha (upper right), Midas (bottom right), Jochem (bottom-left) and Adem Ozturk, our teacher. On our school, we have a Robotics club where we build and program robots for things like robocup junior and first lego league, where you program a robot to finish a parkour, or like sumo bots, where robots fight each other and anything else with robot challenges.

Our school was invited by the World Robot Summit participate in a workshop and a programming contest.

More info about World Robot Summit

Adam Öztürk

My name is Adem (sounds like Adam) Ozturk. I am one of the IT teachers at Metis. I always had a thing for Japanese culture and was very happy when we where invited to the World robot summit. One of my main objectives is to interact with Japanese people, go to Akihabara and visit Taito Hey arcade, visit Tokyo anime centre and learn allot about Pepper.

Noah Loomans

Hi, my name is Noah, and I like to code stuff. I usually participate to the Robocup Junior tournament, so this is quite new for me. But i’m really exiced. I really don’t know what to expect, but I know it will be just awesome. Let’s do this!

Shasha Mylanus

My name is Sasha. I’m going to tell a little bit about my history with machines. Infact, i was already interrested in machines from TV’s to bulldozers on the age of 1. Now, my interrests are more specific, robots and programming. And for this challenge I will ofcourse focus my interrests specificly on Pepper.

Jochem Baas

I am Jochem and I’m 13 years old. I like computers and robots. I’m interested in pepper because robots are the future and it’s amazing we can program them to do what we want. I wanted to go to Japan because it’s a great opportunity and it’s for my biggest hobby: programming.

Midas Scheffers

Hi I’m Midas and i like coding things like robots. I’m very interested in them. I’m very exited to program pepper in Japan. This year I won the 1e place in the robocup jr. in the Netherlands. But thats nothing with that I’m going to Japan.