Team Tokyo Metis

Our first workshop with pepper

July 12, 2017 | 1 Minute Read

First of all: Welcome to our blog!

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Today we visited the UvA (University of Amsterdam). There we had a workshop about Pepper. We programmed on the basis of the digital workshop which we had received from World Robot Summit. It was super nice to do. Pepper was really cool to.

When we arrived we first had a tour of the UvA from a teacher in physics then we went to the robot lab. First, we had a little chat with a team that participate in Robocup soccer (Also in Japan). They told us something about Nao, a robot like Pepper but with legs instead of wheels and a lot smaller. After that we started with the workshop. I was allowed to first connect with Pepper. I runned some pre-set movements built-in in the application we used. Then Midas connected, he showed some images on Peppers tablet, we all tried some stuff. Sasha also showed some images and programmed something but we unfortunately hadn’t time enough for that. Noah has made a program that pepper followed your face. Midas made a program where you had some pictures popping up on the tablet and Pepper said things. I made a program where pepper says hello if he sees a face. Unfortunately, we hadn’t much time but it was really cool to do!

Part of the team sitting around the table learning pepper programming ~ Jochem