Team Tokyo Metis

Recent Posts

  • August 02, 2017

    It Begins...

    After a great evening with Mario Card, we went to bed and set our alarms to 08:00. Tomorrow will be the day it all begins...We got out of our bed, packed everything we needed, and went outside. 15 minutes later, we stepped into the metro. This was...

  • August 01, 2017


    Today our goal was to get a PASMO card, this is the Japanese version of a public transportation card. We wanted to go to Shinjuku station to buy a Pasmo card but to do so we first had to go to Shimo-Kitazawa to take the metro to Shinjuku. When we ...

  • July 31, 2017

    First day in Tokyo

    Today we slept until 14:00 in the afternoon. First, we wanted to eat something. So we walked to the seven eleven. That’s a small supermarket. When we had all found something to eat, we paid it and walked back home. Quickly ate our food.We went a l...

  • July 30, 2017

    Trip to Tokyo

    On Saturday evening half past seven we meet atSchiphol. There we said goodbye at our parentsand joined the queue for baggage check-in. Afterthat we went through the customs and waited forboarding. We flew with a double decker planefrom emirates. W...

  • July 27, 2017


    We're almost there, just two days left and we will enter the airplane! But first, we need to prepare... Buttons!It was a lot of fun, Midas and I were making buttons with this fancy button machine. And believe it or not, it was a lot of fun! We act...