Team Tokyo Metis


August 01, 2017 | 1 Minute Read

Today our goal was to get a PASMO card, this is the Japanese version of a public transportation card. We wanted to go to Shinjuku station to buy a Pasmo card but to do so we first had to go to Shimo-Kitazawa to take the metro to Shinjuku. When we left the house it slowly started to rain but we weren’t worried. When we later decided to eat some kebab in a little kebab store the rain was getting worse but luckily we had some umbrellas.

After the Kebab store, we came across an arcade hall where we played some games. It was a lot of fun to play games in the one place where you’re supposed to play them, especially Mario cart because we played it before.

When we arrived at Shimo-Kitazawa we bought tickets to go to Shinjuku where we asked a Japanese man how we could get a transportation card. The man didn’t know but was so kind that he asked someone else. After some minutes, we finally succeeded in getting the Pasmo cards. Then we went to one of the coolest things so far. The Tokyo Metropolitan Tower that had a free observation deck where you can see how big Tokyo really is. Believe us when we say that Tokyo is absolutely huge, we couldn’t even see the border of the city. We then spotted a park where we wanted to go next, but when we were there it had closed for just 6 minutes and the rain only got worse. The day was still more than worth it. We waited a bit and then we went home where we played some games on the switch and went to sleep.

~ Sasha