Team Tokyo Metis

Prepare day

August 04, 2017 | 1 Minute Read

Today we woke up at 7:00 in the morning. We dressed up and went to the metro station.

When we got to the university we bought some breakfast and eat it in a hurry because we were late. We went to the class room and started testing and finishing our programs. I got my dice program to work and Sasha finished his touch sensor program. Then we had to go to the atrium. We packed our stuff and went there. We set up and went for lunch. When we came back I started testing my dice program to see if it would work with different lighting. When I tested it, it didn’t work. I had to make new pictures for the pepper to recognize the numbers. When I was done I moved on to help Jochem and Sasha with their conversation program. At the end of the day, we finished everything and went back home. We went one stop further and walked from the station to a small Indian restaurant to eat there. I eat some nice Indian food with a Nan. Then we went back home and played Mario Kart on the Nintendo switch before we went to sleep.

~ Midas